
Writing comes with a range of styles, language registers, colours, and flavours. The goal of the writer is to adapt to the content and the target audience. See below a presentation of our services using different language styles.

Style 1
Style 2
Style 3


  • provides scientific writing services
  • to the industry
  • according to regulatory requirements
  • using our or your quality processes
  • meeting the agreed deadlines

  • Scientific writing:

  • Staff with more than 10 years experience
  • in English or French
  • adapted to your audience
  • with the right tables and figures
  • peer-reviewed and QC'd

  • Our target clients:

  • healthcare industry
  • environment
  • agri-food
  • pure science
  • universities and research centers
  • XDUright provides the industry with scientific writing services.

    The goal of scientific writing is to convey a scientifically sound message with clarity and accuracy. Besides text, tables and figures are frequently created to allow the reader to more easily grasp the key facts.

    The content can be presented in many formats: article, report, slideset, course, webpage, etc. Often the format and content of documents are imposed by international guidelines and regulations.

    A scientific content dictates a flawless quality. Our writer has more than 10 years experience in writing in English and in French. He will identify your target audience and compose the text accordingly. All documents are then submitted to a rigorous peer review and quality control.

    We ambition to write for any scientist or group of scientists: the industry (healthcare, environment, agri-food) and the non-profit organisations (universities and research centers).

    All started with a word. Some say "Love". Others tell "Bang", or "God", or even "Play". Words have the power to create friendship, war and progress. Books make you see and feel as if you were somewhere else. The ambition of a scientific writer is to depict a sometimes complex reality as if you were looking at a tree: the tangle of bark and twigs and leaves and fruits does not prevent you from grasping the resulting tree shape, it rather makes it emerge.